Company Information

We are the premium tariff publishing company with over 35 years of experience.

Technical Information

System is build and developed by highly professional team of experts to run this site smoothly for end users. We have highly capable built-in membership management system through which each customer can have any number of accounts for ease of use and access. We have scalable data repository with robust security which is backed-up weekly to protect customer’s valuable information. Our highly user-friendly system enables users to access their rates, rules, regulations, process and procedures from anywhere in the world. This robust system acts as a catalyst for our business. Accessing tariff is simplest using easy to sign-in and sign-up process. Online rate filing-form has been standardized by FMC which each customer must fill in-order to publish their rates online. This has been semi-automated by our technical team for ease of customer’s use. Overall navigation to our site is highly efficient & saves customers valuable time and energy.

What do we provide?

We publish tariff online as per the strict FMC guidelines, indulge on behalf of each client with FMC on all rules, regulations, policies, procedure and issues. Our goal is to make you feel totally confident that you have a highly experienced company (over 35 years in this industry) to run your error free operation.
Additionally, consulting services on all FMC Issues, Processes, Procedures Rules and Regulations is available round the clock.


Provide full consulting to our members
Provide full audit support
Deal with FMC on all issues except where your involvement is mandatory
Maintain all rules and regulations online on easy to surf website
Maintain new rates live at all the times on a every efficient system
Provide 24/7 customer support
No Hidden Fees at all.
We are the best in the industry.
Once you are setup, you stay worry-free at all times.