We know this business for more than 36 years.

Our charges are low and keep them as minimum as possible.

Our setup is highly user friendly and access to rates easiest for anyone to use.

Once you are setup, get login for as many customers as possible. They can access rates online just by registering at no-extra charges.

If there is any delay in filing your rates online, FMC fine is levied heavily, but we provide best service to file rates online. Just use our easy to use system for sending rates or email us.

On APtariffs, we file rates as compared to others where you have to file your own rates. This can be really tricky and a simple mistake can have fine imposed on you. By sending us rates you save time for business and our error-free system display rates online within few hours.

Many a times, FMC audit firms who are approved with VOCC/NVOCC Licenses and APtariffs expert advisors/consultation will guide you throughout and take care of everything at no extra charge to you. (None other company provides this service at no extra charges and their charges goes really high.)

Heavy fine levied by FMC if you don’t comply and a possible cancellation of the license, however once you are setup with us you stay worry free. It has never happened at APtariffs Corporation, because of expertise in all major and minor issues, questions and concerns that arises over and over again by FMC.

There are no hidden fees or any other miscellaneous fees associated with us.

This system is secured, robust and most important it is very easy to use.

We file each tariff only when needed and you can consult our experts to guide you at no extra charge.

We file each new rate from you within less than six hours, and mostly instantly once they reach us.

We appreciate your business and have provided you a guide so that you can succeed in your business.

Your success is our satisfaction.