Sample Tariff has been created for you to get a feel of how safe and secured our system is where we not only keep your rates, rules online but also maintain your tariff on a robust system.
This sample tariff will be very helpful for you to understand the navigation to your rates and rules.

This is an exact replica of how rules, terms & conditions and rates of your (NVOCC/VOCC) tariff will be on our site.

Our system will generate a seured password for you using controlled access thereby ensuring a locked system where your rates and rules are visible to an assigned credentials only.
Apart from this we will provide controlled access to various rules such as Information, NVOCC, Charges, Commodity Rates A to Z etc.
Login using guest as username and guest as password.
Any other registered user will not be able to access these rates.
*All members have access to rules and rates.
Click here to view a Sample Tariff.